1:37 AM

Share with a bunch of care - sharing photos online

Let's have a Kodak moment...most of us must have heard this phrase in their life. Revitalizing this idea, the buzz is that it is being modernizing the Kodak Moment as Social Sharing. With all the mixed doubles, the concept of the Kodak moment has endured into the 21st century.

A campaign that is scheduled to begin soon will carry the theme The real Kodak moment happens when you share. That is different from the longtime meaning of the words; it is quite special and different. Would be a new and a fresh journey

Before, Kodak wanted consumers who experienced Kodak moments to use Brownies, Instamatic, Fun Savers or other Kodak cameras to take snapshots that would stimulate fond memories when looked at years later in albums. The goal of the new meaning is to suggest that Kodak moments generate warm and fuzzy feelings only when photos, images and video clips are made available through social media, e-mail messages and other forms of sharing technology to parents, grandparents, friends, co-workers and even, these days, strangers.

Yes truly a ravishing mode of share photos online from any part of the globe. In fact, what creating a haywire, obviously on a positive note is that you can try your hands by upload photos online.